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FLASH SALE: 40% Off Summer Faves!

Summer Essentials for Busy Moms

Summer Essentials for the busy mom

We see you over there~ trying to figure out how you’re going to do this summer shuffle. The kids are out of school and all of the sudden have waaaaay too much time on their hands. Can’t they just share a little of that with you?! 🙌

Welcome to the days of trying to find a new balance. We’re determined to continue to stay on top of our own daily responsibilities while adding in all of the summer activities, late bedtimes, your hubby’s golf league, extra grocery shopping, yard work… not to mention the lake time and sunshine you want to squeeze in…the list literally goes on and on.

With everything happening and only so many hours in the day, we’ve come up with the perfect summer essentials short list~ specifically designed to help navigate the summer season with ease and style. Getting ready and out the door feeling fresh and prepared is totally going to give you a step up on tackling these crazy days ahead.

First up, make sure you have a few easy to throw on dresses or rompers in your closet. A one piece outfit is the most practical so you don’t have to squeeze out more brain power than necessary that early in the day, plus, not having to mix and match multiple pieces gives you the time for those few extra sips of that cup of coffee you rarely get to finish… We’ve added a few of our current favs for you to make getting dressed even more simple! Wiiiin! Bonus points for adding a print or two. Prints eliminate wrinkles! See how we did that?!

Anyone else super pumped when claw clips came back in? Short hair or long, curly or pin strait, whip those beautiful locks up in a little twist and you’re now the effortlessly chic mom who takes time to do her hair…in less than 2 minutes. Lucky for us this trend is here to stay so grab a couple of those cuties and you’ve got step two in the bag! 

Speaking of bags~ a dang good bag is number 3 on our list. We’ve stepped up our purse game over here with functionality and style always going hand in hand. Now, it’s definitely going to become the catch all bag so easy cleaning and extra pockets are a must. Gotta have room for all the snacks, right?!

Make sure you’ve got a spot for the hand sanitizer in that bag! Hand hygiene is a must! Think of all of the things you and your kids are touching through the day and most of the time we don’t have easy access to soap and water on the go. Touchland Hand Sanitizer has been a favorite accessory find for us. The formulation provides exceptional sanitation and hydration while avoiding the strong smells of alcohol and that icky sticky feeling. Not to mention, the colors and smells are totally fun! 

Lastly on our shortlist is the perfect pair of sunnies. Of course they need to fit well, look good and give the right protection. Both brands we carry offer 100% polarization and provide the right styles so you know you’ve got it going on. They also are proud to give back. When you purchase a pair of DIFF sunglasses, essential eye care is given to someone in need. When you buy a pair of WearMePro sunnies, a portion of your purchase helps support sheltered animal care. How cool is that?!

Alright. Dress, clip, bag, sanitizer and shades~ check! Slip on that quick pair of comfy sneakers or sandals, throw your phone, keys and wallet into your cute bag and voila! You’ve done it! You can take on anything that comes your way in style and grace.. well being graceful is always work in progress… but style~ girl, you’ve got that part down! 

Chat soon - 🖤CTB




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